Tuesday, August 25, 2009

CSz Summer Camps Rousing Success

Bennett and Jeff, two happy campers in their new ComedySportz shirts.

Every summer we offer summer impov camps for kids, ages 8 - 18. This year we ran five marvelous camps: one kids' camp, one middle school and three high school. Over two hundred kids participated and our staff had a marvelous time.

Here are some campers comments from their experience:

"Great! Every year gets better and better!"
"Amazing! This camp has changed my life for the better."
"It was honestly one of the best experiences I have ever had. Honestly. Unbelievable."
"These were the best five days of my life. This experience was so indescribable."
"The experience was fantastic. Thank you for giving me the tools to succeed."
"I had one of the best camp times of my life. I learned to be comfortable in my skin."
"This camp was fantastic. I learned a lot and had a really great time doing it."
"I had a blast and learned so many things I didn't know."
"Possibly the best week of my life."

If you went to the high school camps, remember Sessions A and B are having a reunion on Saturday, September 5. Session C reunion is on September 29.

If you're interested in improv or stand-up classes, we've got them for all ages. Find out more at ComedySportzLA.com

Thanks to all of our amazing teachers who made a life time of memories.

--James Thomas Bailey

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay one of those quotes are mine!!!